Basic Websites

iMac showing a basic website




Basic Website Services 


At 7SWEB, we deliver a truly bespoke digital experience. Our SEO-optimised, responsive Basic Websites, built entirely from scratch, offer a unique online presence that stands out on any device and ranks higher on search engines - all for just £399.


We depart from the traditional path of many web designers who rely on pre-existing templates. Every design we create, including the 7SWEB site you're currently visiting, is crafted from the ground up. These distinctive designs are tailor-made to your unique needs. Furthermore, we offer site updates starting from just £30 per update, covering text alterations, image additions, and other minor adjustments.


One of our unique selling points is cost-effective hosting. By building your website with pure code, we can host it for free on GitHub. This not only saves you from the recurring hosting fees associated with platforms like Wix or WordPress but also provides exceptional value, especially if you don't anticipate needing frequent changes to your site. The only recurring cost you'll have is your domain name, which typically costs around £12 per year.


Why is SEO important? In today's competitive digital landscape, SEO is crucial. Search engines serve millions of users per day seeking answers or solutions. Ranking higher on search engines can significantly boost your business growth and attract new customers.


My Basic Website Services include:


  • Free web hosting for a hassle-free and cost-effective solution
  • SEO-friendly designs: Maximising your brand's visibility and traffic with higher search engine rankings
  • Completely Custom responsive HTML and CSS Designs: We craft unique, bespoke designs from scratch using HTML and CSS, providing a distinctive, fast-loading website that excels on any device.
  • Secure contact forms with spam protection: We implement robust measures to protect your users information and prevent spam
  • Speedy static websites: Faster loading and more reliable than dynamic sites.
  • Easy maintenance and enhanced security: Lower security risks than WordPress or other CMS platforms.


Choose 7SWEB for high-quality Basic Websites tailored to your specific needs. Contact me today to learn more about this service and how we can help you establish a quick, affordable, and reliable online presence.








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